Boost Your Family’s Summer Days!

Boost Your Family’s Summer Days!

Are you looking for tools to figure out how to create a summer routine that works for your family? Are you confused about how to create structure for children and how to manage healthy screen time?

As parents and caregivers, planning summer schedules can be a hassle, especially when children have different ages, character traits, skills, and interests. Therefore, devising a routine that values steadiness over rigidity and predictability over restrictiveness will minimize nagging and improve cooperation on all sides.

Here are useful tips to set a schedule that will guarantee a peaceful yet productive summer. The key is finding a balance that suits everyone’s rhythm and maintaining flexibility for the family.

● Co-create the schedule by gathering everyone and taking the time to listen to every family member’s needs and desires. As parents, you will have the final say on what works better but showing children you value their point of view will make them more likely to engage.
● List everything including scheduled appointments, important events, sports, chores, and free time.
● Allow for “dream time”. Even the most energetic kids need down time. Help them find a hobby for quiet times (reading, starting a collection, journaling…). If they are slow starters, schedule dream time in the morning and structured activities for the afternoon when they are more focused.
● Post the weekly schedule somewhere visible (fridge, wall…) and include free-time blocks. As new ideas occur, you can fill them out.

What about ensuring both children’s maximum enjoyment and their healthy development? Summer should feel different from the rest of the year. It is a time for children to widen their horizons through new experiences and for parents to enjoy quality time with family.

● Go for summer activities that spark creativity and boost self-esteem. Children gain a sense of fulfillment, pride, and self-confidence from acquiring new skills. This can include sports, arts, music, etc.
● Plan for at least one success a day. Make sure your children get to do at least one thing they are good at or love every day and set aside a special time daily for them to tell you about it. Praise their efforts while keeping in mind it is about progress not perfection!
● Put your children in charge of some free time every day when they choose what to do in order to foster their autonomy and independent decision-making capabilities.
● Have “family fun” to show them they are worthy of your interest. Allow them to teach you something or engage in board games together.

Nowadays, screen time has become a challenge you cannot escape. It is crucial to discover how to avoid arguments during a period where children are away from school requirements and may have the ability to access screens more. Follow through the tips below to know how to negotiate a baseline amount of screen time for your children and help them understand how much additional time can be earned.

● Link bonus screen time to desired behaviors as a positive reinforcement. Your child will learn that behavior as the reward is additional screen time. However, don’t make this too repetitive so your child maintains the learnt behavior even if there is no additional screen time proposed.
● Use screen time to meet your own needs and think strategically about this when planning. For example, movies or online activities can help you juggle childcare when working from home.
● Block out “screen-free times” for the whole family throughout the week where you can bond and communicate.
● Get a sense of what your child likes to do with their screen time. It may mean breaking it up into chunks throughout the day or lumping it into one period. For example, if your child likes to play video games only after breakfast when most of his friends are online, consider that when drafting their schedule.
● Screens absolutely must stay out of bedrooms at night.

With the summer vacation here, a whole new routine is needed for families. This routine may come with a little fear and uncertainty, but with a plan, it can be full of healthy summer choices and fun. Follow the crucial tips above for summer to be a period of positive growth and increased connectedness for your family.