When as a parent, an individual or a young adult, you look for a Coach or a Consultant,
many scenarios can be playing out in your life:
- You are facing challenges that seem overwhelming. You find yourself in a hard spot.
- You are unclear about where you are and where you want to go. You find yourself in a blind spot.
- You know what you want (and DON’T want) but you are unsure how to get there. You find yourself in a blank spot.
This is not a time to doubt how great a person and/or parent you are and the amazing strengths and resources you hold, but this might be a time for you to collaborate with a Family & ADHD & Mental Fitness Coach and Consultant who can bridge these gaps and co-create sustainable strategies that will connect you to powerful possibilities.
Coaching is about initiating a structured conversation where you are offered a safe space to explore what is occurring in your life and clarify the next steps you want to take.
Consulting is about answering questions you have and clearing the way forward for you and/or your family.